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Magazine: Record Time #1 (Magazin) [30105543]

EAN/UPC Code: 1230001875768
Artikel-Nr.: RT 01
Set-Inhalt: 1
Information: Record Time is a new print-only music magazine that focuses on obscure, unusual, forgotten and neglected records, not collectibles or rarities, but great records that can be had without shelling out max cash. The debut arrives right when interest in records is at a 30-year high and is growing across generations. Record Time is about the wonderful world of records, specifically unusual, obscure, forgotten and neglected slabs of plastic that all of us can afford. Rather than focus on holy grails of the most expensive kind or $$$ reissues, Record Time scours bargain bins, garage sales, and those corners of record stores that only the most diehard music freaks dig through and what we find are wonderful records that are too often passed by even though they are usual cheap (or at least much less than your average $30 reissue). In that spirit, Record Time #1 does a deep dive into the crazy history of Plastic Bertrands Ca Plane Pour Moi, the biggest international hit single in punk history, its roots in novelty music, Elton Motellos contribution to the song, and the dozens of cover versions, answer songs, rip-offs and exploitations the song inspired. Also in issue one: A cruise through the music and career of Hansadutta Swami, the Hari Krishna machine gun guru and failed rock star; a dip into controversial politico/musician Harvey Matusow and his Jews Harp Band; the Surfsiders, a fake surf band that included a young Lou Reed; Alquin and the Dutch prog rock scene of the 1970s; the obscure and delightful DIY psych pop of the The People´s Victory Orchestra And Chorus; and records on alleged Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. There´s more: Columns on 1960s garage instrumental 45s and forgotten 7s from the 1990s punk scene, a feature on The Wuzz Band, a run-through of the records and crimes of novelty rapper/drug kingpin Hurt Em Bad, a ton of record reviews (of albums lurking in used bins), an interview with Dick Vivian of San Francisco´s Rooky Ricardo´s Records (and Dick´s picks of great budget R&B and girl group singles), and more. Record Time is published and edited by Scott Soriano, a long-time music writer, record label runner, zine publisher, and political journalist. We´ve got a rich group of contributors such as Brian Turner, Owen Maercks, Laurent Bigot, Fred de Vries, Johnny Sunshine, D. Worden, and others, from the US, France, South Africa, and abroad. 11" x 8.5", perfect-bound with color cover.
Erscheinungsdatum: 05.04.2024
Im Shop seit: 22.06.2024
Verfügbarkeit: i.d.R. in 30 Tagen versand- oder abholbereit
Hinweis: Verfügbarkeitsprüfung unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Bestellungen erfolgt im Warenkorb.
17,99 EUR


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