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Drag Set/scots Of St James: Day And Night/tic Toc (Single) [30080731]

EAN/UPC Code: 2090504945660
Artikel-Nr.: FIX005
Set-Inhalt: 1
Information: The Scots Of St James - 'Tic Toc': Fancy a moody Hammond groove with great guitar, deep, solid vocals and a prime slice of a 1966 Go Records rarity? Look no further than this £500+ track!! The band formed in Glasgow starting off as The In Crowd before moving to London and became the house band at The Scotch Of St James, a trendy club, and eventually changing their name to Hopscotch who released a couple of singles including the fantastic 'Look At The Lights Go Up'. The Drag Set - 'Day And Night': What a tune this is - pure unadulterated psyche dancefloor Modness on the other side! One of the most desirable and hard to find records from the amazing Go Records stable, regularly selling at £250+, even reaching £650 at one point. From the Yardbirds/Fleur De Lys/The Who style intro this gets everyone up. This is the band's only single, before evolving into The Open Mind and getting even more great tunes out.
Erscheinungsdatum: 26.06.2020
Im Shop seit: 09.09.2020
Verfügbarkeit: i.d.R. in 14 Tagen versand- oder abholbereit
Hinweis: Verfügbarkeitsprüfung unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Bestellungen erfolgt im Warenkorb.
14,99 EUR


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