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Chain & The Gang: Experimental Music (LP) [30051848]

EAN/UPC Code: 643859622018
Artikel-Nr.: RE004
Set-Inhalt: 1
Information: CHAIN & THE GANG# the world's only "DOWN WITH LIBERTY" group# the best and most radical rock n roll group ever# have a BRAND NEW long playing record out on RADICAL ELITE records and its a "head scratcher" for sure# Chain & the Gang-known as the dynamic and irresistible live combo that pens provocative, unforgettable odes to obedience and total destruction (e.g. "Devitalize", "Certain Kinds of Trash", "Detroit Music") got sick of the simple fare so prevalent at the rock festivals these days. After nodding off to the washed-out zzzounds of the latest five-star folly critic's catastrophe, "Chain & the Gang" decided to respond with their patented perversity; they reached to the farther corner of the lab and came up with an immortal classic in the hard-to-hear genre of "EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC" (!!!!?!!!!) In fact, this record is so confounding, so new and uncharted, they decided to call it "EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC." Not only is it a pounding super-classic, but it's the final word in the experimental music genre, answering the questions initially proposed by John Cage, Yoko Ono, LaMonte Young etc., shutting down the need for further experiments forever. The Lab is Closed! Besides Chain & the Gang's "Chain"-aka IAN SVENONIUS--the "EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC" LP features an all-star cast of avant-garde geniuses such as DANNY KROHA (the Gories, Demolition Dollrods, Danny and the Darleans), FRED THOMAS (Saturday Looks Good to Me, Lovesick, Tyvek, His Name is Alive), SHELLEY SALANT (Shells, Tyvek, SLGTM, Swimsuit), AMBER FELLOWS (Swimsuit), MADELINE MCCORMICK (Chain & the Gang) and BEN COLLINS (Mini-Horse) and was recorded live to four-tracks at WORLD CLASS TAPES in ANN ARBOR, Michigan. The title track sets forth the premise and the rest of the tunes expound upon it. Its a foot-tapping, head scratching, torso tornado that will crinkle the connoissieur's temple in a tantrum of cerebral delight. Writers in one hundred years will still be piecing together the puzzle of perversity that's named EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC by CHAIN & the GANG on RADICAL ELITE Records.
Erscheinungsdatum: 29.09.2017
Im Shop seit: 23.10.2017
Verfügbarkeit: Sofort abholbereit/versandfertig

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18,99 EUR


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