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Wylde Oscars, Thee: Tales Of Treachery And The Nefarious Deeds Of... (LP) [30049125]

EAN/UPC Code: 4260038372135
Artikel-Nr.: SCALP213
Set-Inhalt: 1
Information: ...OF THE SCURRILOUS RESURRECTION MEN' - From essential ingredients including the sweat of Little Richard, the punk ramshackle chords of Chuck Berry, and the hip-shaking voodoo of Bo Diddley, Thee Wylde Oscars have conjured their own treasure-trove of gems from a pirate's garage... Trinkets include choppy power-chord guitar bursts, three-part harmonies, a bass/drums combo hurtling down Highway 61 at midnight, and shards of saloon piano... If you dig bands like The Sonics, The Saints and The Woggles, this one's for you daddy-o!
Erscheinungsdatum: 28.04.2017
Im Shop seit: 03.06.2017
Verfügbarkeit: Sofort abholbereit/versandfertig

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14,99 EUR


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