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Black Bananas: Electric Brick Wall (LP) [30023439]

EAN/UPC Code: 781484058113
Artikel-Nr.: DC581
Set-Inhalt: 1
Information: BLACK BANANAS is JENNIFER HERREMA, NADAV EISENMAN, BRIAN MCKINLEY, and KURT MIDNESS. They work with their machines to play rock that's progressive, experimenting and never less than super-exciting, fuckingly awesome amazing. They do it becuz it's fun and it sounds rad. With eyes and ears out for the phases and strains of rock past and present, Black Bananas are on the lookout for a sound that mainly exists in their mind, an idea of sound to wrap around the tunes, a cattle-prod sneaking around the backside of your aural cortex. To jolt you into magical thinking. And to make you jump, and make your hair stand up. Yeah, Black Bananas' production pays forward the psychotropic effect with ultimate line blur, but Electric Brick Wall is solidly composed of time-tested elements-the beat, the groove, licks, builds and bridges, fused together for projection as a new musical shred-spress to the stars.
Erscheinungsdatum: 27.06.2014
Im Shop seit: 07.07.2014
Verfügbarkeit: Sofort abholbereit/versandfertig

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17,99 EUR


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