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Day, Graham -& The Forefathers: Love Me Lies (Single) [30022815]

EAN/UPC Code: 2090503985285
Artikel-Nr.: THS14
Set-Inhalt: 1
Info: A true masterpiece of '60s U.S. garage rock
finally reissued
after more than 45 years. Very limited pressing
of only 500
copies, with replica labels. Fully authorized,
licensed, restored
and remastered. The first ever reissue of the
Graveyard Five single: 'The Graveyard Theme'
b/w 'The
Marble Orchard' (Stanco SR-102), one of the
true "holy grails"
of garage rock. This is truly one of the rarest
45s in the world,
with only a handful of original copies known to
exist; no
surprise then that they sell for more than
$4,500! 'The
Graveyard Theme,' an exercise in fuzz guitar
excess, was
apparently inspired by a Ouija board session.
The B side is the
fuzz soaked reverb-laden monster, 'The Marble
which tells the true tale of the creepy, wet
October night the
band spent in the cemetery; they were
convinced they saw
something move from behind a tombstone and
then heard "a
wolfpack howl". If the circumstances and
subject matter of
these songs isn't creepy enough, the recording
studio where
these songs were recorded was supposedly
haunted by a
spectre that provided guest background vocals
in the form of
a growling noise thats clearly audible near the
end of 'The
Marble Orchard'.
Erscheinungsdatum: 27.02.2014
Im Shop seit: 06.06.2014
Verfügbarkeit: Sofort abholbereit/versandfertig

Nur noch 1 auf Lager

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8,99 EUR


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