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Burnette, Johnny: Crazy Date (rock And Roll Demos 1) (LP) [30019203]

EAN/UPC Code: 0731253030819
Artikel-Nr.: ED308
Set-Inhalt: 1
Information: 2004 release. Volume one of a two LP series. "This pair of Norton LP-only releases delivers 36 unreleased 1957-60 rock n' roll demos -- 27 on vinyl for the very first time! Includes the original demos of Believe What You Say and It's Late, both smash hits for Ricky Nelson! Johnny was striving for commercial success but was still aflame with his native Memphis rhythm."

Erscheinungsdatum: 29.04.2004
Im Shop seit: 18.02.2014
Verfügbarkeit: Sofort abholbereit/versandfertig

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16,99 EUR


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