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Natural Mystic Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Main Artist Solo Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' I Threes Marley, Rita Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris
So Much Things To Say Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Main Artist Solo Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' I Threes Marley, Rita Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris
Guiltiness Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Main Artist Solo Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' I Threes Marley, Rita Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris
The Heathen Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Main Artist Solo Produzent Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Perry, Lee Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' I Threes Marley, Rita Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris
Exodus Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Main Artist Solo Produzent Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Perry, Lee Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' I Threes Marley, Rita Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris
Jamming Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Main Artist Solo Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' I Threes Marley, Rita Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris
Waiting In Vain Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Main Artist Solo Produzent Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Perry, Lee Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' I Threes Marley, Rita Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris
Turn Your Lights Down Low Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Main Artist Solo Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' I Threes Marley, Rita Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris
Three Little Birds Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Main Artist Solo Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Keyboards Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' Downie, Tyrone I Threes Downie, Tyrone Marley, Rita Downie, Tyrone Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris
One Love / People Get Ready (Medley) Marley, Bob & The Wailers
Komponist Komponist Main Artist Solo Produzent Gitarre Percussion Percussion Schlagzeug Percussion Keyboards Percussion Sänger(in) Percussion Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Sänger(in) Produzent Produzent Produzent
Marley, Bob Mayfield, Curtis Bob Marley & The Wailers Marley, Bob Perry, Lee Marley, Bob Marley, Bob Barrett, Aston Barrett, Carlton Barrett, Carlton Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Downie, Tyrone Patterson, Alvin 'Seeco' I Threes Marley, Rita Griffiths, Marcia Mowatt, Judy Bob Marley & The Wailers Wailers, The Blackwell, Chris