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Bonobo: The North Borders (vinyl+mp3) (LP) [11114316]

EAN/UPC Code: 5021392806167
Artikel-Nr.: ZEN195
Set-Inhalt: 2
Information: The story of Bonobo is one that's become uncommon in contemporary music. There was no sudden, viral internet sensation, no one-off big hit, no abrupt, accidental alignment with the zeitgeist. Instead, over the course of four albums, myriad tours, singles, remixes and production work for other artists, he quietly but very definitely became one of the most important artists in electronic music. The hard work paid off, and culminated in 2010's 'Black Sands;' a masterful album that married Green's inimitable melodic genius and musicianship to bleeding edge electronics, bass and infectious drums.

After a year plus of touring the hypnotic, extended live versions of Black Sands, he finally found time last year to embed himself in his New York studio and write his fifth studio album. Now, in 2013, he stands ready to take things up yet another notch. 'The North Borders' is a long stride forward - both a natural evolution and a continuation of the electronic palette of Black Sands. Thematic, resonant, addictive and perfectly formed, it's a thrillingly coherent statement piece.

It's also an album that shows just how far electronic music has come. Its richness of texture, emotive force and all round depth are facets found more often within, dare we say it, classical music. If there's a renaissance taking place within this scene, Simon Green could make a strong claim to being one of its key driving forces.
Erscheinungsdatum: 29.03.2013
Im Shop seit: 04.02.2022
Verfügbarkeit: i.d.R. in 3-5 Tagen versand- oder abholbereit
Hinweis: Verfügbarkeitsprüfung unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Bestellungen erfolgt im Warenkorb.
27,99 EUR


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Track Titelinformation Spielzeit
LP 1/2
001 A1: First fires
Bonobo / Grey Reverend
002 A2: Emkay
003 A3: Don't wait
004 B1: Cirrus
Bonobo / Badu, Erykah
005 B2: Heaven for the sinner
Bonobo / Badu, Erykah
006 B3: Towers
Bonobo / Szjerdene

LP 2/2
001 C1: Jets
002 C2: Antenna
003 C3: Know you
004 C4: Ten tigers
005 D1: Sapphire
006 D2: Transits
Bonobo / Szjerdene
007 D3: Pieces
Bonobo / Cornelia
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